Link in Bio

Project Overview

My personal link in bio site is designed to showcase all the essential aspects of my digital presence, providing a sleek and modern interface for easy access to my social media profiles, digital garden, portfolio, and way of contact.

Project Inspiration

The project was inspired by popular "link in bio" sites. I created this menu due to the lack of design choices and excessive branding found in existing solutions. My goal was to develop a more personalized and aesthetically pleasing alternative that aligns with my branding.

Key Features

  • Lighthouse Scores: Perfect lighthouse scores for Performance, Accessibility, Best Practices, and SEO.

  • Design: Unique and sleek design.

Technologies Used

  • Languages: HTML, CSS, Typescript

  • Frameworks/Libraries: Vue.js, Shadcn-vue, Tailwind CSS, EmailJS, Zod.

Challenges Faced

  • Design Decisions: This project has undergone at least ten different design iterations. Currently landing on a sleek and modern design with a hidden contact form.

Key Learnings

  • Vue.js: Learned the basics of the Vue framework and its application in building modern web interfaces.

  • Low Code Form Functionality: Utilized EmailJS to implement form functionality with minimal coding, ensuring efficient and reliable contact form handling.

Conclusion and Reflection

This project allowed me to create a personalized and visually appealing link in bio that effectively showcases my digital presence. It was a valuable learning experience in design iteration, the Vue framework, and low-code form functionality.

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