Github Profile Display

Project Overview

GitHub Profile Display is a dynamic web application powered by the GitHub API, offering users an immersive glimpse into my GitHub profile. It presents details such as my profile picture, title, bio, location, and link, providing key information at a glance. Users can explore my coding projects through repository cards, which display essential information like the repository title, description, links to the repository and live site, and the technologies used. Additionally, users can access my profile README directly within the application, offering further insights. With its intuitive interface and seamless integration of GitHub data, this application serves as a comprehensive platform for users to gain a deeper understanding of my coding journey and projects.

Technologies Used

  • Languages: HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • Frameworks/Libraries: React.js, Shadcn/ui, TailwindCSS

  • Tools: Vite, Lucide

  • APIs: Github

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